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Dental Appliances

We make night guards for tooth grinders, snore guard for snorers, and athletic guards for athletes. We also made orthodontic retainers.

Night Guards

Jaw clenching and grinding (i.e.bruxism) can accelerate tooth and jaw deterioration. It can also cause headaches and muscle soreness. To help our patients comfortably avoid this, we customize night guards to their bite. Night guards act as a cushion between the top and bottom teeth to prevent the top and lower jaw from touching.

Tooth Crowning

What are the causes of teeth grinding?

Stress or anxiety (psychological)

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

Certain medications or recreational drugs

Chipped, worn down, or flattened teeth

Cracked Teeth

Sensitive Teeth

Loose Teeth

Gum recession and notches in the tooth structure by the gumline (abfractions)

Sore jaw muscles


Snore Guards

Snoring caused by sleep apnea can impact the quality of your own sleep and that of those around you. At Ridgefield Cosmetic and General Dentistry, we take sleep medicine very seriously since sleep apnea is detrimental to health. Snore appliances keep the lower jaw forward, preventing the tongue from falling to the back of the throat causing obstruction and as a result, snoring.

Tooth Crowning

What are the causes of snoring?

Sleeping on your back

When the throat is compressed by a relaxed jaw

Large tonsils or a long soft palate

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

We also make athletic guards in office. We can ask the lab to make clear orthodontic retainers.

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Office Address:

1275 Post Rd, Suite 217, Fairfield CT 06824